Category "General User Guide"

In CRM Malaysia, you can add more modules to your iCRM system even after you have subscribed to the iCRM system. CRM Malaysia allows you to add-on various modules so you can make your business as versatile as possible to increase customer retention and accommodate existing customer’s needs.

Below is a short tutorial on how to subscribe additional modules and make payment through CRM Malaysia’s payment gateway.


In CRM Malaysia it is very convenient to insert all the customer’s contact information at one go without any data entry involved. iCRM system has the capability to do this function by uploading a CSV file with its data  pre-arranged accordingly.

Below is a short tutorial on how to import customer via contact list.


After you have created a new account for your employee, you can always opt to inform your employee about his/her iCRM account through email instead of phone call or meeting face-to-face. This method can be very useful because your employee can have a copy of the iCRM account login info stored in the email mailbox for references. Also, this will increase the efficiency of your company and less time will be used to process your newly hired staffs.

Below is a short tutorial on how to send employee’s account information via email.

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