Telegram Marketing

telegram for business crm

Telegram is an instant messaging service that is frequently used on desktops, smartphones, and other devices. Therefore, we see the business opportunities hidden within. Business Telegram has been incorporated into iCRM to make it easier to kick-start your company’s marketing campaigns, make your message reach bigger crowds, persuade your potential leads or contact existing customers.

RM100/mth onwards

Up to 50 Users

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RM100/mth onwards

iCRM hosts Business Telegram software for you.

Setup Telegram in iCRM

You can set up Telegram bot account yourself or you can get our help to set up a Telegram bot account for you. After setting it up, you need to enter Telegram API key and Bot Name to iCRM and it is done.

Setup Telegram by Entering API Information
User that Subscribed to Your Telegram Account

Get User to Subscribe Your Telegram

Get user to subscribe to your Telegram account, or by scanning the QR Code that is automatically generated beside the Telegram account after you have saved it. You can display the QR Code anywhere for your customers, employees, or anyone to scan to subscribe to your channel.

User List vs Contact List

Once anyone subscribed to your channel, he or she is listed inside your user list. You have their username, but you will not get their phone number. You may start conversation with your customers now. If you would like to setup auto reply, iCRM allows you to select actions and questions to automatically interact with your customers. You can pick action like asking for a phone number, or other with auto reply form.
Contact list is your regular contact that you have in your contact database. It can be connected to your Telegram Marketing user list by phone number.

User List vs Contact List
Users can be grouped in multiple groups

Users Can Be Grouped Into Multiple Groups

You can define custom group such as “single”, “with kids”, “VIP”, etc. then user can be attached to multiple groups. When you send Telegram, you can choose from group or user list.

Send Telegram Info

You can send photo, video, documents, or PDF files to your users. You can choose to send files that is uploaded or in any website. Simply paste the link into the textbox and type the message to send Telegram. This makes your Telegram Marketing campaigns easier to handle and quicker to execute.

Send Telegram Info to Your Users
Receive message, photo, video, documents, conversation history

Receiving Message, Photo, Video, Documents, and Conversation History

When user send message back to you, it is recorded in database, the attachment is linked. However, if it is not viewed, it may be removed from Telegram.

Telegram Keyword List

It can provide conversation automation which is auto-reply to the users who are using the keywords.
For example, once a user subscribe, you can greet them, or ask for phone, name, etc.

Example: I created “verify” as the keyword, and create question 1 ask for account username, and question 2 ask for company name.

This is the sample of auto-reply when users send the “verify” keyword.

Example from the Phone

Conversation List Show User Reply to the Keyword
Telegram Keyword List

Auto Reply

When a contact subscribed or send a message to you, you can configure the A.I. bot to reply automatically with preset questions or documents. The message can then be processed by A.I bot. You can contact us to design your Bot according to your needs.

Auto Reply
Telegram Templates

Telegram Templates

You may save preset messages into telegram template and use it later. You can save templates as many as you want. For example, templates such as wishes for New Year, promotion, launching new product and so forth. You can directly choose the template and send out to customer easily.

Schedule Message

You can set schedule message to send on time. It is always a good idea to identify ideal time to send a message. You can deliver your message anytime such as at night or weekend with scheduling email features.

Schedule Message

More A.I. Bot

The reply message can be process by A.I Bot. However, A.I can be customized to suit your needs. You can contact us to arrange for A.I bot customization.

Setup iSMS account

Setup an account in, key in the username and account setup inside the setting.

send sms to contact
send sms to contact

Send SMS to your contacts

You can now select contacts and then send SMS to users.

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