How to Send Case Summary via Email

How to Send Case Summary via Email

The case summary is capable to record up to 20 latest cases and have been scheduled by the system to automatically send the email every night 10pm. The email can be sent to client or your management team as we have mentioned in the previous tutorial. Again, this is an additional solution by CRM Malaysia to help companies to keep track on their sales team and if they are following up with the customers frequently.

In this tutorial, we would like to teach you on how to send a case summary to client via email.

1.Firstly, before you could send a case summary, you would have to go to Contact > Contact list

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2. Select the customer you would like to send the case summary to from the contact list. Then, select the Case from Action by follow the following steps:

Action > Case > Email Case Summary

Please click on image to view clearer.
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3. Now you would be redirected to send email page with the Case Summary inserted automatically for you to send the case summary. Click on the Sent Mail button to start sending the summary after checking on the details as well as the recipient.

Please click on image to view clearer.
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