CRM in Service Records

Managing Customer Service Records

CRM System Contact

In every company, there will be customers and the more the better. With time, more customer means more customer service activities and the list grows. The company should maintain an organized customers service history for easy tracks and reference. With iCRM, you can easily do just that.

  1. Register an account with
  2. Login and key in your customer
  3. Click at the customer and attach service records to the customer.
  4. You can enter a lot of information into the service record of the customer. The usage is limitless.
  5. You can also assign a service record to your colleague and the service record will appear on their dashboard.

Service Record Layout in PC

Each service record can add up to 4 files, and these original file can be downloaded from the download link. It normally shows the thumbnails.


Edit Service Record from PC

Each previous service record is editable when there is any updates.

Tools to Manage Contacts in Service Record

Service Record Entry

Service Record

Example of Service Record

Each contact can have a service record list. Every service/conversation toward the contact should be entered.

Service Case

Service Case

Service Case Example

Service case – Each service case has predefined status. The supervisor can create case such as “enquiry” and follow up with status like “initial contact”, “Quotation Sent”, “Quotation failed”, “Meetup”, “Quotation Success” etc.

Each service record can be categorized with product serviced.

Service Product

Service Case

Serviced Product

The serviced product is selected from item database e.g. “Printer” or “Monitor” and categorize its problem such as Item “Printer” may have problems like paper stuck, print head dirty, driver problem, cable undetected, etc.

To help categorized the problem, each problem can be separated into types. For example, “cable undetected” problem of item “printer” can have type like cable spoiled, comm port changed, no power, rotten bites, etc.

icrm service record
A knowledge base is built by categorizing the service record item, problems, and type. User can search for recommended solutions from previous service record. This helps a company to train the employees and further improve service quality. The service record widget can be published to the dashboard.


Previous Service Problem and Solution


Service Record Widget

Service By

  • Each contact can be assigned to different employees
  • A service record can be service by multiple employees
  • The employee will be notified with a right hand drop down and assigned service record widget in dashboard


Assign Service Record to Employee

Other CRM Key Features

Restricted Access to Contact List

Each employee can be restricted to access their contacts only, or share contacts with colleague. By restricting the contact list, only employees that enter or assigned can view the contact, and at the same time the service records and file related to the customer is not accessible.

Follow the steps to setup group permission here
Follow the steps to setup view permission here

Restricted Access to Contact List

Calendar Calendar

You can have the service record shown on your dashboard calendar. Each node represents a service record and can be edited from the dashboard. From the calendar display, you can have a total glance of what is happening to your support team.

Follow the steps to setup service record in calendar here


  • The system can be linked to a dedicated Google Drive. We always suggest our client to get a Google Drive to start with.
  • Employee’s file can be uploaded into the Google Drive and tag to the employee.
  • Contact related files can also be uploaded and tag to the client.
  • General file upload and download can be managed with the system.
  • Google Drive maintain all their securities and it is stand alone.

Follow the steps to setup Google Drive in iCRM here
Follow the steps to upload documents in iCRM here


Enable Google Account from Company Info

icrm files


File List of File Uploaded

Restricted Access to Contact List

  1. Login to your BMO account via and proceed to the “Group Permission” page. (Admin → Permission Setting)
  1. In the Group Permission page, please select the group you wish to apply the restriction on. Then Click on the “Edit” button to proceed.


  1. Each login account is considered an employee in the system. Each login will be granted a permission group.
  • The permission group define:
    • Which menu is accessible by the group?
    • Which permission for example, delete, view, edit, save is granted for the login.


  1. The permission view can be set by admin from permission view menu. View permission defined whose data can be supervised by the other admin. For example, graphic design team supervisor can view all the downline while each of the employee can view only their own data.


Service Record Assigned Reminder
  1. Customer service scheduling rule is important to keep your resources scheduled efficiently.
  2. Service reminder will be shown on the dashboard calendar.
  3. To view more details for a particular service, simply click on it to reveal more information.
  4. The “Details” button will reveal the description of the service record.
  5. The “Edit” and “View” button will open a new window for the respective page.

Documents Related to the Customers

  1. To manage documents for customer, proceed to the “Contact List” page. Click on the “action” button for the customer to reveal additional functions.
  1. To upload file for customer, click on the “Upload File” link.
  1. Simply click on the “Choose File” button and select the file you wish to attach to the selected customer. You can add in a remark note for easier identification. Once done, click on the “Upload” button to complete the process. System will prompt an alert stating “New File Uploaded” upon successful upload.
  1. To view uploaded documents for a particular customer, click on the “File List” button.
  1. The “File List” page will list all the documents attached to the particular customer.
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