Task/Service History

Service History Group, Service by Customer

With the enhanced functionality of Service History Group and Service by, it can help you to deliver better customer experiences as it provides one consolidated view which focus on their customers rather than identifying one by one in the system. Thus, it increases the work productivity and customer satisfaction.

CRM Offline Feature

Create New Task

You can create a new task by specifying the customer, date, case no, status, item code, reminder, task description, and also allowing you to add service by (person).

CRM Offline Feature

Tasks For Customer Under Case

You can create a task in which it is related to customer under case.

CRM Offline Feature

Task – Upload Photo

It allows you to add photo as an attachment when a task is initially created.

CRM Offline Feature

Task Assigned

It allows you to assign responsibility to the relevant person to serve the customer. Those tasks assigned will be displayed in the case list.

CRM Offline Feature

Task Alert after Assign

The task alert is a notification you receive when somebody assigns you a task, or after you assign a task. It includes previous data which has not been read.

CRM Offline Feature

Filter Task

Search Task by:
(a) Customer, Start Date, End Date, Status, Reminder From, Reminder To, Service Person

With that, it can help you to specify a set of tasks according to your needs.

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