Multiple Employees

Multiple Employees

In order to add your employees to any sales team and group, you must first add your employees to the system. Every employee will need to have a personal record in the system to be identified.


Group into Departments

You can identify and compartmentalise employees into various departments. This makes it easy for you to manage staff and groups assigned to various Cases and Tasks. The runner application will prompt you when users are assigned.


Access to Database via Password

Of course, security to this kind of information is key, therefore there is a need to assign Usernames and Passwords to employees or administrators that can access this information. Access control for CRM database requires you to enter your Username and Password to login.


Client Server Structure

The beauty of our iCRM system is the ease of sharing data. Share as much or as little database information between clients where applicable. The compartmentalization of data will allow different sectors to get access to different levels of information.

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