Cloud vs On-Premise

The debate is on, on-premise or on-site, which is better? For most, owning and having full control of your CRM system is the ultimate aim, however, despite ones ability to invest in a huge on-site CRM system, there may be one major factor that needs to be considered before going ahead with such

a huge decision, and that is; what will your Total Cost of Ownership be? From the 2012 diagram by Adaptive Planning, the comparison results in 77% less of Total Cost of Ownership for cloud computing CRM.

On-Premise Costs

HardwareConstant upgrades are needed for storage, backups and CPU specs
IT PersonnelAn IT Personnel is needed for Hardware & Software maintenance
TrainingInternal training costs

iCRM Price Difference

ItemOn PremiseOn Cloud
Software license60% / one off (no limit on no of users)
(Approx. RMXX, XXX)
RM100 / month (up to 50 users)
Annual maintenance & support10% software license
(Approx. RMX, XXX)
Upgrades10% / major version - software license
(Approx. RMX, XXX)
Installation and setup costs6.6% / one off onsite &
hardware installation
(Approx. RMX, XXX)
Data migration costsDepends on dataDepends on data
Training costsDepends on locationDepends on location
Hardware13.3% for typical web server
(Approx. RMXX, XXX)
BackupInternal ITHandled by our team
On-site supportDepends on each case0
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